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Nifty gay incest son at bar

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Soon the transformation of admiring seeing naked guys - sucking cocks - getting high - my hole being used ! Cum Baby ! Cum Baby ! becoming addicted. Soon, drinking orange juice / spiked - smoking weed - soon became being naked - then they ( Uncle / Cousin ) putting sun lotion on me - rubbing my hole. Slept like a baby -body felt sore - the hot tube was there. Soon back to the house, being stupid drunk and high, he gave me a pill - for hang overs. I did not know they were Gay ! First several nights my cousin took me to party's - drinking - smoking weed - getting to seeing dicks and tits. Hello - I was or still a Slut - no Dicks refused sucking ! My Dad and Mom were free sexual while growing up ! I am Uncut dick - just like my dad - he is uncut hung meat - showing and keeping my uncut clean ! While young - before driving age - My dad sent me to my Uncle / Cousin place for 2 weeks - vacation - small house sharing my cousin bed room.

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